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  • |(787) 523 6359


    FinancingAt Bancaribe International Bank, we offer you interesting credit options to further activate the growth of your company. All of them with conditions adapted to your needs and those of your business. In our relationship executives you will always find the professional and expert advice you are looking for.


    • Obtain immediate liquidity at competitive rates.
    • Maintain current placements and returns on Certificates of Deposit or investments while guaranteeing the credit operation.

    Conditions and requirements:

    • To have an account with Bancaribe International Bank.
    • Provide all the necessary information to facilitate the risk analysis of the request.

    For more information, contact our BIB Contact Center at +1 (787) 523 6359 or from Venezuela at +58 (212) 7204770, or if you prefer, you can write to us at atencionalcliente@bibbank.com.